Saturday, January 13, 2007

A Teaser

My good friend E. Coltrane Kirby (writer and compositor extraordinaire) and I have been working on a project off and on for some time now. It's going back into production and will be ready for print later this year. We're keeping almost all of it under wraps, but I just wanted to float a couple of jpegs at you guys to see what you think of the style. Enjoy.


David Colman said...

very frank miller...really like it DZ

Marmax said...

Yeah I was gonna say reminiscent of Frank Miller's gritty style but different. Very cool!

James Chiang said...

awesome design! very nice work here.

Teddy said...

Your name is Frank Miller. Cool.

m said...

It's looking verry cool.

Anonymous said...

Hey DZ - Greg Bear in Seattle...
drop me a line, greg at realself dot com

NAHRIN said...

Oh these are AWESOME!!! You and Kirby gotta finish that project soon!